Ray Ban, Etnia, Barcelona
The other day my friend Anna asked me to advise her. She needed help … ASAP. Summer festivals are coming, those where we like so much to show off our best outfits, and she was missing an indispensable complement: Sunglasses.
Of course, I had several ideas for her. Her face is rather oval, so … and if you did not know, all glasses tend to fit well. It’s a very positive feature, believe me. Because, raise your hand who never had fall madly in love with a pair of sunglasses and then you put them on and it’s a terrible mess (That if very large, if very narrow, too wide …. or worse … I can see my eyebrows!). Well this does not happen to Anna. Lucky her? A LOT.
But let envy to one side, the important thing is that after thinking a lot I gave 4 models of glasses to her to test them. Two from Ray Ban and two from Etnia Barcelona. Two brands that never fail, one because it is a classic, but that renews continuously, as with its new model of Round Metal with tinted crystals in many colors. Etnia, on the other hand, is one of the brands that undoubtedly is raising the most at the Spanish level, but above all at the international level. All the celebrities are dying for their models, and the truth is that we can’t blame them!

The best options…
One of the models I recommended was the model Ferlandina de Etnia Barcelona, in this color because, apart from what seems super original, Anna is very dark and these colors feel good with the contrast. Without a doubt, a good option to attract attention this summer, because it is not especially striking but its design is elegant at the same time as very very trendy. With its double metal bridge and butterfly shape it makes you feel like a modern, safe and beautiful girl. What more is expected of a pair of sunglasses?

Another recommendation I made, because I know her and what she really likes, these Ray Ban Round Metal in gold color and pink lens. I love these glasses, the color and its shape. Anna usually wears a lot of glasses even more rounded (because we are not going to lie… is what its trending now), but wanted to try something a little more oval that I knew she was going to fit well and did not disappoint her.
Without doubt, it is one of the «must have» glasses this season. Everyone loves them and wants them!
The other selected glasses were the Clubmaster of Ray-Ban and the Born model of Etnia Barcelona. Both are two models that eat apart for this season, because both the classic square style of Ray Ban but with the touch of the mixed and air mount, and the round and double metal bridge shape of the model of Etnia, meet the most of the trends for this summer!

If you want to see more recommendations, tips and tricks do not stop following this blog!
Enjoy, friends! Thank Anne Roig for trusting my humble opinion;)